All American Assisted Living at Warwick
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How Assisted Living Supports Mental Health for Seniors

Mental health is an essential part of staying healthy. However, it’s sometimes difficult for older adults to talk about. For seniors, mental health can be a challenge—especially when underlying factors and conditions are at play. So, how can you help? If your loved one struggles with maintaining their mental health, assisted living can help. These […]

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What to Do When Your Elderly Parent Has a Fall

A fall can be a frightening experience for both you and your older parent. Knowing how to respond to falls is essential for your parent’s safety and well-being, whether it’s a minor stumble or a serious injury.  If your senior parent falls, stay calm, assess their condition, and seek appropriate help. Acting quickly and thoughtfully […]

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When to Consider Respite Care for an Elderly Parent

Caring for an aging parent involves numerous responsibilities, from managing medications to assisting with daily activities. While this can be fulfilling, balancing work, family, and personal health while providing daily care can be taxing. You should consider respite care for your elderly parent when the demands of caregiving start to feel overwhelming or when you […]

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How Much Exercise Is Too Much For Seniors?

Staying active is essential for maintaining health, mobility, and well-being as we age. Exercise has been shown to improve mobility, strength, and overall quality of life for seniors. However, the question arises—how much exercise is too much? Striking the right balance is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure a sustainable fitness routine. We will explore […]

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What Causes Tiredness in Seniors?

As we age, our bodies undergo many changes that can impact our energy levels, leading to tiredness or fatigue. Tiredness in older adults can affect their quality of life, often leading to them requiring assistance with daily tasks.  Tiredness in older adults can result from various factors, both physiological and psychological, such as lack of […]

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How Do You Talk to Seniors About Mental Health?

Mental health is an extremely important topic. It’s becoming much easier to talk about every day, but it hasn’t always been an openly-discussed topic.  Many seniors, even though they may be struggling with mental health themselves, may find it complicated to discuss mental health with others. But whether they live in an assisted living community, […]

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