All American Assisted Living at Warwick
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Arts & Crafts Ideas for Seniors

The golden years are a time to indulge in the joys of life, and what better way to do so than through arts and crafts? Engaging in creative activities offers seniors a source of entertainment and numerous mental and physical health benefits. Some engaging arts and crafts ideas for seniors include: Painting Scrapbooking Knitting and […]

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Why Is Respite Care Needed?

Respite care is a type of temporary and short-term care that is provided to individuals who are unable to take care of themselves due to various reasons. It can be needed for a variety of situations, including caring for children with special needs, taking care of elderly family members, or providing support to individuals with […]

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What Causes Tiredness in Seniors?

As we age, our bodies undergo many changes that can impact our energy levels, leading to tiredness or fatigue. Tiredness in older adults can affect their quality of life, often leading to them requiring assistance with daily tasks.  Tiredness in older adults can result from various factors, both physiological and psychological, such as lack of […]

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10 Activities for Seniors with Limited Mobility

Look no further for engaging activities to stay fit and healthy with limited mobility! Seniors with limited mobility can explore many low-impact activities such as painting, drawing, listening to music, watching movies, socializing online, and even doing light exercises. Here are 10 enjoyable ideas that can help keep seniors entertained throughout their day. From chair […]

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How Can Alzheimer’s Be Detected?

Watching your loved one go through the progressive stages of Alzheimer’s is disheartening, and it can seem like the symptoms come on fast. As seniors age, it’s easy to write off memory changes as a typical sign of getting older. The earliest signs of Alzheimer’s can be caught early if you recognize the symptoms. The […]

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